Interpretation · Recipe

– Eggplant Parmesan –

Tangy, cheesy, and wonderful.

“Remember to eat healthy, or you won’t have enough energy to work hard! I’m including one of my favorite recipes. Make sure to use ripe tomatoes!”


(1) Eggplant or breaded protein with (2) a tomato sauce, preferably containing cheese

(1) If you use eggplant you can bread it or not, but if you use a protein instead (like chicken parm), it should probably be breaded. There are already eighty thousand recipes out there for eggplant parmesan, so if you already love it, go nuts. But baking anything with tomato sauce and lots of cheese is usually a good thing. Eggplant is magical but if you refuse, try zucchini boats, or any vegetable roasted with grated Parmesan.

(2) You already know tomato sauces are my favorite thing. Tomatoes with garlic, onions, and cheese… I mean, what’s not to like? Yum yum yum. You can bake the eggplant or whatever in the tomato sauce, pour the sauce over it once it’s out, or even have a side of pasta with tomato sauce along with some roasted eggplant or chicken schnitzel.

Eggplant Parmesan

CANON: Yep! Eggplant parmesan made with eggplants and tomatoes is definitely a thing. It’s sort of a pain to make the traditional way (or at least I think so) and I don’t understand why you bread it if it’s just going to get doused in sauce and soggy. However. If it’s your thing it’s perfectly doable, and if you like it but don’t feel like making a huge production out of it, it’s standard at many Italian restaurants.