Interpretation · Movie

– Black Licorice –

A chewy candy with an intense, pungent flavor.

Licorice flavor

via .

Not much to this one. Black licorice exists, you either like it or you don’t. There are traditional whips, wheels, and jelly beans. There’s also ice cream, at some specialty brands or shops.

I will also make a plug for licorice root tea, which is not quite licorice flavor but is plenty close enough, to my mind. It’s very sweet but in the throat rather than on the tongue, which is really, really weird. I adore it. Once in Europe I found straight licorice tea (no other flavors) and it was delicious but it was a powerful diuretic, and I quickly learned not to drink it before bed. TMI, maybe.

Anyway. The canon version of this is a simple black licorice stick or whip, as shown below. I suspect a lot of us will skip this one…



My current snack fad is Jelly Bellies. There really isn’t much more to say about it. I like to eat one at a time without looking, so I don’t know what I’m getting.

And I’ve reached a conclusion about licorice. I hated it for a very long time, but now I think it’s just one of those old flavors that’s always too strong because in 1875 it was rare to get anything flavored strongly that wasn’t liquor, and therefore some people developed and retained a taste for it. It’s not a bad flavor, it just needs a lot of toning down.

  • Licorice flavor = Black Licorice
  • Chocolate flavor = Chocolate Cake
  • Coconut flavor = Coconut
  • Cappuccino flavor = Coffee
  • Lemon candy = Lemon Stone
  • Colorful candy = Magic Rock Candy
  • Watermelon flavor = Melon
  • Not knowing what you’re getting = Omni Geode
  • Orange/tangerine flavor = Orange
  • Peach flavor = Peach
  • Piña colada flavor = Piña Colada
  • Pomegranate flavor = Pomegranate
  • Strawberry flavor = Strawberry